Beginning October 31, 2024, VictimsFirst will no longer be soliciting donations for the victims’ families and wounded survivors of the Apalachee High School shooting that occurred on September 4, 2024, resulting in 4 dead and 7 wounded.
We are currently waiting for a few more donations, one of which we were told are being sent to us via mailed check. We will begin distribution once this check is received, deposited, and cleared.
We anticipate distribution will begin within the first week or two of November and be completed prior to the holiday season.
We have already received and started processing applications from Apalachee victims and wounded survivors for these funds.
If you are the legal heir of an Apalachee High School shooting victim, a wounded survivor, or a parent or legal guardian of a wounded survivor, please fill out our application.
For survivors who are minors (under the age of 18), applicants must provide proof of a trust or custodial account. Such accounts can be opened at a local bank or credit union.
Our current fundraising balance for Apalachee shooting victims/survivors is $152,402.00.
These donations will be distributed equitably to the defined victim base, with families of the deceased and those catastrophically injured receiving one amount and wounded survivors receiving the next tiered amount.